Spent a bit of time today finishing off the disc shimming. Ive wound up with 20 thou on the right disc (viewed from rear of car) and 25 thou on the left disc. This brings both gaps well within 10 thou of each other on each side. As you can see from the picture below the disc is bang in the middle of the caliper.

So thats it both discs set and the calipers fit OK, I will take them off for the next few operations to reduce weight and improve access.
So next step is to lift the diff up such that it is supported high enough to get the required drop on the lower arms to match road attitude. May need to beef up my work bench as the work mate has a 160 Kg limit!
How did you measure the gap between the brake disc and the calliper? It seems there are two machined surfaces inside mine.
Shimming to make the gaps equal seems to leave the disc not quite in the middle, if viewed in relation to the brake-pads.
Hi Marcel,
I measured off of the flats (machine surfaces you speak of I think) using feeler gauges until I got the gap as even as I could each side.
Hope that helps!
Thanks, indeed the same as me then. Guess I was trying to be too accurate here... All sorted now.
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