With the axle finally sorted I could bolt on the shocks, no major problems here apart from not being able to use the new washers I purchased as they fouled the shock adjusters!

So I used a couple of suitable washers instead.

For the top it is clear that washers are required to space the shock in the mount.
For the rear most mount I have left the bolt lose as this will be replaced with a longer bolt when the roll bars are obtained, I must say it would be significantly more helpful if GD supplied the roll bar bracket with the chassis. After all Ive had the mounts fitted to the chassis so why not supply the brackets to fit now?

So suitable washers purchased and fitted.

Simply repeat on the other side, fit the road wheel and lower to the floor for the first time. Wahey!

Another job done!
Formats a bit naff on this post as blogger appear to be having issues, I cant sort it out.
Great News! - Bet you're glad that bit is over with!!
Cheers! Yes happy that bits done. Also finished the front as well but that updates still to come!
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