Having already laid them in to find the right wire for each pot I set about fitting the ends.
The sequence is this:
1. Cut to length.

Clever tool this, you just twist it until 9mm of wire pokes out the end, then grip the wire to stop it going through to toll and twist a couple more turns. Pull and off come the insulation.

7. Apply air cleaner with Ford wing nut and stand back to admire tidy wire layout on nearly finished engine.

This however is where it went a bit wrong.
Whilst fixing the wires I followed good old Tom's book, what I didn't check was what I was doing!
I followed the instructions for the HEI ignition module used by Ford, this does not connect the wires in the firing order as the dizzy rotor turns, therefore my firing order is now wrong!
Thinking about it logically I would have realised that something was not right but I was too eager to get it finished, in future I need to think a bit more first!
Luckily for me Ive only had to move four wires around but it has mucked up my tidy layout, still cant be helped. (picture to follow).
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