Nothing I can really do now until the engine is run up and the gearbox purchased. Funds building very slowly so maybe a few months before anything else gets ordered.
Dyno booked for 26th April.
Nothing I can really do now until the engine is run up and the gearbox purchased. Funds building very slowly so maybe a few months before anything else gets ordered.
Dyno booked for 26th April.
With the grip removed I completely stripped the unit down and cleaned all parts ready for re-assembly, it came up quite well.I had thought I would need to replace the pawl release spring (in the handle) as it was very stiff before but luckily after cleaning and lubricating with silicone spray it works well.
The whole thing was reassembled using copper grease, whether this is right or wrong I don't know but I figured it could only help. That looks a bit better.
I'm not sure what to do about the grip, I like the clean look of the plain chrome however as it was not intended to be seen its got a couple of notches cut in it. My plastic grip is a bit worn so I could just buy a new one or come up with something a bit different, plenty of time to think about that anyway.
The end result clears the cable and lever well and only time will tell if its routing will cause and problems with bits to be fitted in the future.
What I did notice when doing this is that handbrake levers are lower than those I have seen in other build pictures, this is what caused me the most trouble during this pipe work as I couldn't get a tight enough bend out of the calliper.
Anyway I found that things were not as they seemed, after completing this pipe work I realised that the levers could move up hence increasing the clearance I have achieved in the picture above.
All being well that's that job done.